Enter the Florpus (SPOILERS INSIDE)

You might be wondering what movie I watched last night. XD See title of post. 

Nib sketch. I love how this turned out, even though I didn’t spend much time on it! 

And finally, Zim. So here’s the deal- I hadn’t watched ANYTHING Invader Zim related for probably four years or more, so when I came across the new Zim movie on Netflix, I thought “why not?” So I watched it. And guess what? It was spectacular! I hadn’t seen a movie that funny in a while. I love how Invader Zim is just so goofy and weird. The movie was hard to take seriously- it was just so fast-paced and strange. And, honestly, I expected the first scene of Dib in the movie to be a little different: specifically not a “horrifying chair nerd monster”. I still wonder how he survived in his room like that for so long. So when we finally saw him in normal shape, I was extremely relived. 

Also, the art??? What?? I don’t even know how a human could create the beautiful artwork in that movie! Every scene looked like something straight outta a comic book. I still can’t believe I forgot how beautiful the series was. 

And finally- Dib’s dad. 
Now, in this story he’s supposed to be pretty much one of the smartest, most intelligent people on earth. But when he thought the whole “Zim is actually taking over the world for a change” thing was a hallucination, it made me furious. Especially when at the end of the movie, his son, Dib, pointed out once again that the whole thing was indeed real and actually described events from the previous days Dib’s dad had thought to had been made up, Dib’s dad STILL denied the obvious and brushed it off. 
EVEN THOUGH Dib would have had no way of knowing what his dad’s “hallucination” was, which shoulda been obvious to Dib’s dad. So to conclude- Dib’s dad is smart, but not wise. Or should I say, he’s just ignorant. 

Anyhoo- sorry about all those crazy ramblings, I just thought I’d share this with you all. Hope you enjoyed the artwork as well! 


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